Project’s Objectives
In our country, the petroleum industry has been under developing for a long time, but it had never been taken the proper measure to clean the oil slam (only in the last three years has been initiated the first viable actions in this direction), so the quantities of accumulated slam are enormous. In this context, it is clear that the project’s relevance for the domain is very big.
The main objective of the project consist in elaboration and realization of an original technology, adaptable to the all types of oil slams from our country, and based on the centrifugal principal, for a clean separation of the slam’s components, so each of them to comply with the EU environmental regulations.
The national policy in this field is clear and straight – alignment to the Framework Directive 75/442 of the EU which stipulate:
- Reduction of the wastes quantities, including the dangerous ones;
- Reintroduction of the generated wastes as secondary raw materials;
- Preservation of the environment that is under treatment of waste removal;
- The guarantee for a clean collecting that protect the health of men and environment.
The cleansing of the wastes from oil industry is framed to the first three priorities of Romania regarding the ecology. The project align to the newly promoted principle of EU – avoid of the formation or the recovery of the wastes is superior to their removal.
The problems that had found solution in this project, have been extremely complex; the fields that each of them belongs are multiple, and the science level at which they must be approached is very high.
To solve the proposed issues, it has been cumulated and integrated knowledge at the highest level from the field of chemistry, physics, metallurgy, and the study of materials coverage, viscous fluid mechanics, study of the fluid flow in rotary machines, material resistance.
All this knowledge helps at reaching the final objectives of the project, measurable objectives that will embody all the activities: new technology, chemical treatment performance…and centrifugal separation unit in the petroleum sludge components, their homologation and transfer towards the economic field for which they have been realized.
Project’s stages
Stage I -
The new chemical treatment method for waste from oil industry, separation into components by a new procedure
Stage II -
The assessment of technological solutions for chemical treatment and centrifuging in order to ecologise the waste from oil industry
Stage III -
Experimental Model - Designing
Stage IV -
(CA=1.6) Experimental Model - Realization and testing
Stage V -
Technological transfer towards the economical agents - partners. Homologation of the obtained results of the project.